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Professional Liability Insurance is designed to protect professionals against liability incurred as a result of errors and omissions in performing their professional services. This insurance coverage gives your business protection from the risks you face in delivering your professional services. You should seriously consider professional liability insurance coverage if your business:

  • Provides a professional service.
  • Regularly advises clients.
  • Is requested by a client to have professional liability insurance to complete a contract.

Professional liability insurance will pay the charge of legal defense against claims and payment of judgments against your company, up to the limit of the policy. This coverage does not extend to non-financial losses or losses caused by deliberate or fraudulent acts.

The Sarrica Group, Inc. can help provide your company with the necessary Professional Liability Coverage that your business needs today!!!

Please fill out the required fields and we will get back to you with a comprehensive policy at the best price available.  If you would like to call to speak to an agent, please dial: (516) 277-0812. Thank you and talk soon!