Term Life VS Whole Life Insurance

Life insurance protects family members from loss of revenue in case the breadwinner of the family passes away. When choosing a life insurance plan, many distinct facts must be taken into consideration, such as financial capability, age of insured (remaining lifespan), amount of death benefit wished, and if the insured is looking for living benefits.

After analyzing these matters, one has to choose between a Term Life insurance policy or a Whole Life insurance policy. These two policies have significant differences that must be understood and considered. So what exactly are these differences?

Term Life


  • Usually cheaper during the first couple of years compared to a Whole Life Policy

  • Usually pays a higher death benefit amount


  • Has an expiration date

  • Gets more expensive after every renewal

Whole Life


  • No expiration date

  • Same price forever

  • Allows borrowing from the death benefit while still alive without having to pay back

  • Gains interest


  • Lower death benefit

  • Usually more expensive during the first years compared to a Term Life policy.