First, a total upheaval of life as we know it from the effects of the coronavirus. And now, our entire country battles fresh wounds and deep scars in response to the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man last week in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

It can just feel so overwhelming. I do hope you and your family are weathering these tumultuous days together with a hope like mine — that one day, we will emerge from this stronger, unified, and changed.

In light of current circumstances, I wanted to quickly remind you that property damage caused by rioting, civil commotion, and vandalism are covered under standard insurance policies. Coverage includes:

  • Damage to buildings and property. A commercial insurance property policy covers fire, an explosion, a riot or civil commotion, vandalism, or malicious mischief. Damage to windows, doors, light fixtures, and other items that are part of a building should be covered under the building property coverage included in the policy.

  • Damage to company vehicles. This offers reimbursement for damage to the vehicle and its contents caused by fire, falling objects, vandalism, or rioting. Comprehensive coverage will also reimburse windshield damage.

  • Damage to business belongings. Damaged or stolen furniture, office supplies, computers, machinery should qualify for coverage.

  • In addition, business income insurance typically includes civil authority coverage, which provides loss of income that occurs due to prohibited access to your premises that has been implied by civil authority, such as a government entity.

If your business has been directly impacted by the riots taking place in our country or other current events, please contact us. Together, let’s clear a path forward towards rebuilding, re-opening, and restoration.