Ida and flood insurance

It’s been an incredibly difficult few weeks for our community. For that reason, we wanted to check in and see if you and your family need anything or have questions about your insurance coverage. If so, please call us. That’s why we are here.

While the emotional — and financial — toll of Hurricane Ida is yet to be fully realized (some early estimates place damages as high as $80 billion), there’s no question it will be significant. Our community has even more difficult days ahead, but we will rebuild and emerge stronger.

Hurricane Ida reminded us so much of “Superstorm Sandy” that hit almost a decade ago, so we thought we’d review some of the data from that catastrophic hurricane. Unfortunately, it may offer a window into what Ida’s overall impact will be: 

  • Hurricane Sandy caused $70 billion in damages in the U.S., mostly from flooding.

  • Sandy damaged or destroyed at least 650,000 homes and 250,500 vehicles.

  • Sandy stands as the fourth most expensive storm in U.S. history with 92% of the homes destroyed located in New Jersey and New York.

  • Some 1.58 million claims were filed with private insurance companies after the storm, 71.5%  of which were homeowners claims.

  • Sandy set historical maximum recorded water levels at the Battery in New York, Kings Point, N.Y.; Bergen Point, N.Y., Sandy Hook, N.J., Bridgeport, Conn., and New Haven, Conn., according to NOAA.

  • After the storm, flood maps were updated for the first time in nearly 20 years. In 1983, 218,000 residents in New York City were living in flood-prone areas. In 2012, that estimate went up to 398,000, according to

we are afraid when the final data is collected about Ida, it may be even more devastating. And sadly, given the effects of climate change, there will be another. It’s only a matter of time. 

If Hurricane Sandy, Ida, or future threats have you rethinking your current coverage, give us a call or send us an email. We’d love to look over your portfolio and see if adding flood insurance or making other adjustments is right at this time. (516) 277-0812 |