Are Pandemics Insurable?

Recently, there has been a lot of talk regarding the impact the Covid-19 pandemic has had on businesses and whether or not business interruption coverage should be triggered within a policy.   To get right to the point, pandemics are not insurable. For a risk to be insurable, there are ideally six characteristics that should be met:

1) The loss must be determinable and measurable 

2) The loss must be accidental and unintentional 

3) There must be a large number of exposure units 

4) The loss should not be catastrophic 

5) The chance of loss must be calculable 

6) The premium must be economically feasible

Other than #2 above, the loss must be accidental and unintentional, pandemics fail to meet any of the other characteristics to be an insurable loss.

There are only a nominal number of exposure units because pandemics do not happen every year, and typically there are decades between each occurrence.

Pandemic losses are considered catastrophic losses; therefore, they aren’t determinable, neither measurable.

There is no way to calculate the chance of a pandemic as it is a sporadic event that only happened a handful of times in recent history.

Last but not least, the premium would not be economically feasible since insurance companies would need to charge an exorbitant premium for minimal coverage as ultimately, the losses would impact them all at once and be catastrophic .

Compare Term, Whole & Universal Life Insurance

The benefits of comparing life insurance carriers naturally takes you to the most affordable option. This is why it becomes ever more important to work with an independent agency, such as The Sarrica Group, who provides access to multiple insurance carriers. It is equally as important to understand the different life insurance products these carriers offer and the pros and cons of each.

In this blog, we will discuss the differences in certain Life Insurance products and why comparing rates on each of them is so important. Let's dive in!

Term Life


  • Usually cheaper during the first couple of years compared to a Whole Life or Universal Life policy

  • Can typically go with a higher death benefit amount due to lower costs


  • Has an expiration date

  • Gets more expensive after term expiration

  • Does not offer cash value benefit

Whole Life


  • No expiration date

  • Guaranteed premium

  • Offers cash value accumulation plus death benefit

  • Allows borrowing from the cash value without having to repay

  • Gains interest 

  • Tax shelter investment


  • Usually more expensive compared to a term policy

Universal Life


  • No expiration date

  • Flexible-Premium (can adjust to fit your financial needs)

  • Ability to skip payments

  • Flexibility to changing the death benefit

  • Interest earned over time accumulate tax-deferred


  • Usually more expensive compared to a term policy

  • Paying minimum premiums or skipping payments will negatively affect policy's cash value

Now that we understand the difference between the term, whole life and universal life insurance products, we can start to tailor a policy to meet an individual’s needs.

In addition the benefit of comparing multiple insurance carriers and coverages ensures that we are selecting the most affordable policy with the greatest cost-benefit option.


Tropical Storms and Hurricanes - Insurance

Hurricane season is here, and now is the best time to prepare for it. Remember, Flood insurance is not covered under your traditional Homeowners insurance policy. So, if you are a homeowner, it may be a good idea to shop around for flood insurance.

If you have suffered a loss due to flood, here are the steps of what to do:

  • Beware of structural damage and other hazards before re-entering your home

  • Have your policy number, a list of damaged or lost items, along with photos of damaged property ready to file your flood insurance claim with your agent

  • Ensure you take the proper steps to clean up the flood damage

How to file your insurance claim:

  • Call your insurance agent you handles your flood insurance to file a claim. Have the following information with you when you call:

    1) The name of your insurance company (your agent may work with multiple carriers)

    2) Your policy number

    3) A telephone number and email address to reach you

  • Take photos of any water in the house and damaged personal property. If necessary, place these item outside the home. Your adjuster will need evidence of the damage and damaged items to prepare your repair estimates .

  • Make a list of damaged or lost items and include their age and value where possible. If possible, supply receipts of those lost items to the adjuster. Officials may require disposal of damaged items. If so, keep a swatch or other sample of the items for the adjuster.

If you need help shopping for flood insurance, we can help you out. Give us a call at (516) 277-0812 or email us at We work with 30+ companies and this provides us with a competitive advantage when it comes to price benefit.

Disclaimer: There is a standard 30 days waiting period before a policy can be used


Mistakes are an inevitable part of life. But when it comes to homeowners insurance, they don't have to be. Awareness of the pricey pitfalls can help you save hundreds or thousands of dollars over the years.

One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make is being over- or underinsured. The additional cost of premiums for coverage you don't need adds up. However, if you don't have sufficient coverage, an unexpected event could be devastating.  

Among the other costly mistakes homeowners make are: 

  • Including the price of land in the amount of insurance coverage. You won't have to replace the land, so you only need coverage to rebuild your home.

  • Not reviewing policy needs and coverage amounts regularly. 

  • Failing to update an inventory of personal possessions, jewelry, and other valuables. 

  • Misunderstanding current policy limits and exclusions.

  • Confusing cash value and replacement cost coverage 

  • Choosing the cheapest policy without regard to policy provisions. 

As an agency with experienced agents, let us help you get the exact homeowner's coverage you need. Give us a call or send us an email to discuss your policy.


For a small business, worker's compensation may prove to be a significant financial obstacle to tackle. Down paying large sums of money based on an estimate of your payroll may create stress in the future when cash liquidity is needed. That is why the "Pay As You Go" workers compensation option was created. It helps small businesses flourish while maintaining proper coverage for their employees.

What are the main differences between traditional workers compensation and "Pay As You Go" workers compensation?

Traditional workers compensation:
1) Substantial down payment based on your estimated payroll.
2) Few large payments throughout the year.
3) Annual audit to check if you paid more or less then what was necessary. Depending on that, you may get money back or need to pay even more after you pay the next year's down payment.

Pay As You Go Workers Compensation:
1) Significantly smaller down payment.
2) Each payment will be tied to your payroll run.
3) If you pay your staff weekly, you pay your workers compensation weekly based on each payroll run.

During seasonal up and downs, the amount you pay for workers compensation goes up and down with your wages, and this blends in a lot easier with your cashflow.


First, a total upheaval of life as we know it from the effects of the coronavirus. And now, our entire country battles fresh wounds and deep scars in response to the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man last week in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

It can just feel so overwhelming. I do hope you and your family are weathering these tumultuous days together with a hope like mine — that one day, we will emerge from this stronger, unified, and changed.

In light of current circumstances, I wanted to quickly remind you that property damage caused by rioting, civil commotion, and vandalism are covered under standard insurance policies. Coverage includes:

  • Damage to buildings and property. A commercial insurance property policy covers fire, an explosion, a riot or civil commotion, vandalism, or malicious mischief. Damage to windows, doors, light fixtures, and other items that are part of a building should be covered under the building property coverage included in the policy.

  • Damage to company vehicles. This offers reimbursement for damage to the vehicle and its contents caused by fire, falling objects, vandalism, or rioting. Comprehensive coverage will also reimburse windshield damage.

  • Damage to business belongings. Damaged or stolen furniture, office supplies, computers, machinery should qualify for coverage.

  • In addition, business income insurance typically includes civil authority coverage, which provides loss of income that occurs due to prohibited access to your premises that has been implied by civil authority, such as a government entity.

If your business has been directly impacted by the riots taking place in our country or other current events, please contact us. Together, let’s clear a path forward towards rebuilding, re-opening, and restoration. 

What Small Businesses Should Know About The CARES Act



The CARES Act is a $350 billion package meant to encourage small businesses in the US to keep their workers employed during this pandemic. Also known as the Paycheck Protection Program, this Act will provide 100% federally guaranteed loans to small businesses who maintain their payroll during this crisis.  More importantly, borrowers will be eligible to have these loans forgiven if certain requirements are met. 


You are eligible to receive this loans if you are: 

  • A For-profit or a Not-for-profit businesses employing fewer than 500 employees. 

  • Self-employed, a sole proprietor or independent contractor. 


You are eligible for loan forgiveness equal to the amount spent on the following items during the 8-week period beginning on the date of origination of the loan

  • Payroll Costs

    • You can generally ask for a loan up to 2.5 times your average monthly payroll costs (capped at $10 Million).  For example: Average monthly payroll costs are $10,000, then you can borrow up to $25,000. 

    • Payroll Costs are payments of any compensation that is a salary, wage, commission, or similar compensation; payment of cash tip or equivalent; payment for vacation, parental, family, medical, or sick leave; an allowance for dismissal or separation; payment required for the provisions of group health care benefits, including insurance premiums; payment of any retirement benefit; or payment of State or local tax assessed on the compensation of employees.

Payroll Exclusions 

      • The compensation of an employee that earns more or equal to $100,000 as prorated for the covered period.  

      • Specific sick leave and family leave wages for which an employer is eligible for a tax credit under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

  • Rent 

    • Rent obligated under a leasing agreement in force before February 15, 2020

  • Utilities 

    • Payments on utilities such as electricity, gas, water, transportation, telephone, or internet access for which service began before February 15, 2020

  • Mortgage payments 

    • For any indebtedness or debt instrument incurred in the ordinary course of business – that is a liability of the borrower; is a mortgage on real or personal property; and was incurred before February 15, 2020

If you use the loan proceeds to pay for all these covered expenses during an 8-week timeframe that begins when the loan is made, then you will be eligible to have up to the entire loan forgiven by the United States government. 

The loan forgiveness amount may be reduced in certain instances, including if there is a reduction in the workforce or if salaries of employees are materially reduced.  Therefore, you are encouraged by the new law to keep employees employed!

However, if workforce or salaries are reduced, then repayment of the borrowed funds will likely have to be repaid between six months and one year from the date of the loan.


  • The SBA will continue to guarantee this portion of the loan, with a maximum maturity date of 10 years and a maximum interest rate of 4%.


  • Loans are going to be issued under the U.S. Small Business Administrations’ loan program.

  • These will not be typical SBA 7(a) loans. 

  • The loans are provided by banks. The covered loans under this program are to be unsecured, no guarantors are required. 

  • There will be no fees paid by the borrowers.


  • Was your business in operation before February 15, 2020 and did you have employees for whom you paid salaries and payroll taxes or paid independent contractors

  • A good faith certification that:

    • The loan request is necessary to support your ongoing operations

    • You will use the loan proceeds to retain workers and maintain payroll or make mortgage, lease and utility payments

    • You  do not have an application pending for a loan duplicative of the purpose and amount applied here

    • From February 15, 2020 to December 31, 2020, you have not received a loan duplicative of the purpose and amount applied for here

  • Independent Contractors, sole proprietors or self employed individuals will also be required to provide additional documents such as payroll tax filings, Forms 1099- MISC, and income and expenses from the sole proprietorship


  • A personal Guarantee is not required for the loan

  • No collateral is required for the loan

  • Banks will not check borrower's credit worthiness

As of this writing, the banks are still not yet ready to roll out the final approved application for this loan process but after speaking with several different bankers, most feel it should be available as early as the end of this week.  My understanding is this application process will be quick with only a few questions to answer along with the ability to upload certain required documents as proof of amounts needed.  

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to our office and please don't forget to follow us on social media for additional updates.

How Will The $2 Trillion Rescue Package Help?

The $2 trillion dollar rescue package approved by the house of representatives this Friday, March 27, marked a new record in American history. This was the most significant rescue package ever for mainstream America and corporate America. To put it into perspective, it is more than twice the size of the rescue package after the financial crisis of 2008. What this package will do is work as a bridge to cross America through this terrible crisis due to the Coronavirus. 

If you are asking yourself how this package will benefit me, my family, and my country, you came to the right place. Here is step by step as to how this rescue package may just rescue us all. 


  • Average 1 American: $1,200

  • Average American Couple: $2,400 (+$500 more for each child under 17 years old)

( Reduced payment for individuals with an adjusted annual income over $75,000)

( No payment for individuals with an adjusted annual income over $99,000)


  • $600 dollars per week for 4 months for unemployment + whatever state benefit is ($200 to $550 average depending on which state)

  • Self-employed workers (GIG economy) are included. 

  • Estimated cost: $260 billion


  • Students will not have to pay their loans up to September 30. Payments are being suspended without penalty and accumulating interest for at least 60 days. 


  • The goal is for the money to be released by April 6, although experts do say that it is probably going to take a little longer. 


  • 3 more weeks of extended benefits, fully covered by the Federal Government. 

  • Currently, state unemployment checks last up to 12 - 28 weeks depending on the state

  • Now, there will be a total of 15 - 32 weeks of unemployment checks (Depending on the state)


  • Provide benefits for those fully unemployed, partially unemployed, or that for some reason are unable to work due to the contagion, and thus do not qualify for the traditional benefits. 

  • Included Independent contractors, self employed, and gig economy workers.

  • Benefits would mirror the benefits available in the individual's state. 


  • $500 billion in loans, investments, and loan guarantees is the amount the Treasury Department can provide.

  • $25 Billion for passenger air carriers.

  • $4 Billion for cargo air carriers.

  • $17 Billion for national security businesses. 

  • $454 Billion for businesses, states, and municipality loans. 

Business who receive the loan;

  • May not issue dividends for up to 1 year after the loan is no longer outstanding.

  • Must make sure it keeps 90% of employment levels as of March 24 through September 30.

  • Loans cannot surpass for 5 years.


  • Between 500 and 10,000 employees

  • Non-profit organizations included

  • No payment due after the first 6 months after the loan is issued


  • The legislation prohibits federally elected representative from collecting loans from the $500 billion dollar fund

  • Businesses that are wholly owned or partly owned by a federally elected representative will be barred from getting the loan. 

  • This applies to anyone with a 20% or more significant stake in a business.


  • $1.2 billion for the Coronavirus National Guard's response. 

  • Currently, about 10,000 National Guard members have been activated.

  • Additional $1 billion will be available for the Defense Purchases Act purchases.


  • $32 billion in total grants for wages and benefits to the decimated airline industry.

  • $25 billion for passenger airlines

  •  $4 billion for cargo airlines

  • $3 billion for industry contractors. For example, people who handle catering, baggage, ticketing, and aircraft cleaning.

In addition;

  • Another $25 billion for passenger airlines

  • $4 billion for cargo airlines

(Will be available as loans)

Companies that receive the assistance are barred until September from making;

  • Furloughs 

  • pay cuts

  • stock buybacks

  • issuing dividends to investors  

It also institutes limits on executive compensation

Airlines are required to;

  • Operate routes that in normal conditions wouldn't be as attractive to them due to low passenger traffic. 


  • $100 billion for hospitals and other elements of the healthcare system

  • $16 billion for ventilators, masks, and other medical supplies

  • $11 billion for vaccines and other medical preparedness 

  • $4.3 billion for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  • $65 billion designated to go to hospitals, with the rest funneled to doctors, nurses, suppliers, and others, the association said.

The legislation;

  • Will reimburse up to 20% for treating Medicare patients with Coronavirus. 

  • Will eliminates $8 billion in scheduled payment reductions (Interests or mortgage loans) to hospitals caring for large numbers of uninsured and Medicaid patients.

  • Will temporarily remove a 2% cut for treating Medicare patients.


  • Will be eligible to receive federal aid. 

  • This will provide tranquility to millions of part-time workers who deliver for Amazon or drive for Uber, in what has become a significant part of the digital economy.


  • There will be housing protections against foreclosures on mortgages and evictions for renters.

  • Americans that are facing financial hardship due to the Coronavirus will be given a temporary postponement of mortgage payments up to 60 days on a federally backed mortgage loan. This can be extended for 4 periods of 30 days each. 

  • As a result of delay payments, the bill does not allow fees, penalties, or additional interest to be charged. It also includes similar protections for those with multifamily federal mortgage loans, allowing them to receive a 30-day temporary postponement of mortgage payments and up to two 30-day extensions.

  • Those with federally backed mortgage loans who host tenants would also be forbidden to evict the tenants due to the failure of rent payment for a period of 120-days. They also may not charge fees or penalties to those tenants that fail to pay their rent.


  • $25 million should be given to support the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC.

  • A Democratic aide who is familiar with the negotiations said that the funding has bipartisan support.

"This is a federal agency that is funded by a mixture of appropriations and ticket revenues. They've had to cancel all their performances, so they have no revenue and have already laid off nearly 800 people. If they don't get a cash infusion, they will become insolvent and could be unable to reopen," said the aide.

  • $75 million will be given for the National Endowment for the Arts

  • This is a federal program that Trump has tried to cut from his budget proposals ever since he got into office and that in a Republican-led Congress already has seen its budget dwindle by several million dollars.


  •  $450 million shall be given for The Emergency Food Assistance Program, which is responsible for supplying food banks, which are expecting to see more clients as job losses increase. 

 $350 million would buy additional food.

 $100 million would be used for distribution.

  • $200 million to be used for food assistance for Puerto Rico and other US territories. 

  • $100 million to be used for food distribution on American Indian reservations.

The bill will not expand eligibility or benefits for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) and Child Nutrition Program.


  •  $324 million for the State Department, which will also be used specifically for evacuation expenses.

  • The bill does not clarify who would be evacuated if it will be US diplomats or American citizens who are living overseas, or both.

  • According to a senior State Department official, 9,300 Americans had already been brought back home. Another senior State Department official informed that the government was tracking 13,500 Americans also seeking assistance abroad.


  • $88 million for the Peace Corps. (independent agency from the US government that sends American volunteers abroad)

  • Last week the organization suspended all of its operations and evacuated all of its volunteers. The organization director said operations would return to normal "when conditions permit."

  • Additional $324 million for diplomatic programs

  • $258 million for international disaster assistance

  • $350 million for migration and refugee assistance 

  • $95 million to be used for USAID operating expenses.

The bill also authorizes the government agencies to administer oaths of office remotely. (must submit a report to the relevant committees "describing the process and procedures for administering such oaths, including appropriate verification.")

Please continue to follow us on social media and on our blog to stay up to date with everything that is happening right now. 


Sullivan, Andy. “Factbox: What's in the $2.2 Trillion Senate Coronavirus Rescue Package.” Edited by Scott Malone et al., Reuters, Thomson Reuters, 26 Mar. 2020,

Staff, CNN. “What's in the $2 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus Bill.” CNN, Cable News Network, 26 Mar. 2020,

Term Life VS Whole Life Insurance

Life insurance protects family members from loss of revenue in case the breadwinner of the family passes away. When choosing a life insurance plan, many distinct facts must be taken into consideration, such as financial capability, age of insured (remaining lifespan), amount of death benefit wished, and if the insured is looking for living benefits.

After analyzing these matters, one has to choose between a Term Life insurance policy or a Whole Life insurance policy. These two policies have significant differences that must be understood and considered. So what exactly are these differences?

Term Life


  • Usually cheaper during the first couple of years compared to a Whole Life Policy

  • Usually pays a higher death benefit amount


  • Has an expiration date

  • Gets more expensive after every renewal

Whole Life


  • No expiration date

  • Same price forever

  • Allows borrowing from the death benefit while still alive without having to pay back

  • Gains interest


  • Lower death benefit

  • Usually more expensive during the first years compared to a Term Life policy.

Top 10 Common Misconceptions About Insurance

Often there are many misconceptions that clients face when it comes to the practice of insurance. The insurance industry is very complicated, and it can be challenging for consumers to determine what exactly is fact or fiction. However, over our 15+ years of business experience within the industry, we've heard it all here at The Sarrica Group, Inc. (  Therefore, to shed some light on some common misconceptions, we've put together a list of common mistakes plaguing the insurance industry today:

  1. Your Home/Commercial Property Should Be Insured for the Same Amount it was Purchased

    When buying a building, you will be purchasing that property based off Market Value. This value will include various factors such as surrounding land, neighborhood features, and area trends. However, the premium price of property insurance or home insurance is determined by the value needed to rebuild your property, not reimburse the purchase price.

  2. Letting Your Insurance Policy Cancel is "No Big Deal”
    All insurance companies reserve their most competitive rates for policyholders who had at least six months of insurance and no lapse in coverage. A lapse in coverage will either prevent you from obtaining insurance or cause you to pay premium at a higher rate.

  3. There is No Need for Renters Insurance
    Renters Insurance not only protects personal belongings within an apartment but also provides liability protection as well.  For example, if a renter causes a fire in an apartment complex, there is a possibility that they can be sued for the damages caused not only to their unit but any surrounding units as well. Renters Insurance would cover them against those lawsuits and liability exposures. 

  4. Insurance Rates are Negotiable

    Insurance carriers determine rates on insurance through calculations composed of numerous amounts of data that are entered into a sophisticated algorithm. Once the premium is calculated, there is no way to change the rates without altering the information or the coverage. As a result, these premiums rates can't be negotiated. However, there is a possibility that discounts can be offered on specific policies that will lower the premium price for the policyholder.

  5. All Companies Offer the Same Exact Policies
    Not all insurance policies are created equal. Some insurance carriers implement broader language and terminology within their policies to offer enhanced coverage options to ensure an excellent claim experiences for their policyholders. However, other insurance carriers provide a more restrictive policy language when providing coverage. This makes it easier for some carriers to only pay claims when it is absolutely required. Even though the name of each coverage on your policy may look similar, the experience you will receive can vary significantly from company to company.

  6. If My Friend Crashes My Car, Their Insurance will Pay
    This is a highly common misconception for auto insurance. Unfortunately, auto insurance follows the named insured's vehicle, not the driver behind the wheel. Therefore, your insurance carrier would ultimately bear the primary responsibility for any damages that your friend caused while driving your car. If the loss exceeds your policy limits, then your friend's policy would kick in as secondary coverage for the peril. Be very cautious of who you let behind the wheel of your car

  7. I'll Only Need Collision/Liability Coverage for My Car
    This is another popular misconception about Auto Insurance. Liability coverage only protects the named insured if you are at fault during an accident. This will cover damages to property, vehicles or people up to your policy limits. Collision coverage would cover costs to repair your vehicle only if it was involved in a collision such as hitting a pole, vehicle or any other object. However, if your car is ever vandalized, stolen, caught on fire, damaged by falling objects, or struck an animal, then you'll need Comprehensive Coverage to recoup your losses.

  8. Small Cars Have the Cheapest Premium
    The reason why smaller vehicles do not have the cheapest rates is that younger and inexperienced drivers often choose them. These drivers are usually the type who submit the most auto claims. Also, injury claims are much higher from small vehicles, which lack the weight and protection offered by larger cars.

  9. I Don't Need Insurance
    Please read our article - "5 Reasons Why Insurance is Important to Our Society" (

  10. Most People Buy Insurance Online

    Many policyholders still want and seek out the professional expertise of an insurance professional when it comes to guidance on their insurance policies. A reliable insurance agent who can help sort out all of the available options is in high demand. Contact The Sarrica Group, Inc. for assistance with your insurance policies today!

What Is Insurance and Why Is It So Important To Society As A Whole?

What Is Insurance and Why Is It So Important To Society As A Whole?

We’ve written this article to help answer that question. In its simplest form, insurance is a promise that if you ever suffer from a loss or peril that you will be financially reimbursed by an insurance carrier.  Insurance revolves around the Principle of Indemnity which is to compensate or secure the policyholder in the same financial position prior to the event of a loss. In other words, the purpose of insurance is to help make the named insured financially whole again after a peril

Welcome to The Sarrica Insurance Group

Welcome to The Sarrica Group's blog where we discuss the latest in insurance news, current events, and ways in which our readers can benefit from the insurance products that we offer. 

The purpose of this blog is to help keep our audience as well informed as possible on the different types of insurance policies that they possess.  As insurance professionals, we aim to educate our clients and readers to better understand the insurance products that we are providing them. We also strive to guide them into making the best possible decisions when it comes to choosing the right insurance coverages in order to mitigate specific risk exposures in their everyday lives. The Sarrica Group Inc. will use these blogs as tools to help accomplish these objectives.

We thank you for visiting our site and hope to provide quality service for all of your insurance needs. Please talk to one of our agents and discover how The Sarrica Group, Inc. can help save you money on your insurance today.
